Bibliography (1990-96)

The Kyrgyz Republic - High Mountains, High Hopes, in: East European Chronicle (EEC)[i], Vienna, April 1996

From Communism to Capitalism. How the East Has Changed - How the West Can Help, in: The Conference Board, International Economic Scoreboard. Long-Term Outlook, Vol.2, number 2, New York, October 1996

Introduction and country overviews Albania, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, in: Vienna International Airport, Catchment Area, Eastern Europe, parts 1 and 2, Vienna 1996

Austria: Gateway to the East, in: Euromoney, The 1996 Guide to Austria, London, September 1996

The Baltic States - Keeping on the Westward Track, in: EEC, July/August 1996

Reforming States on an Upward Trend, Die Presse, Finanzzeitung, Vienna, 23rd of April 1996

East = Transformation + Growth, Die Börse, Vol.5/10, Vienna, 9th of April 1996

East European Country Risk: Slovenia and Czech Republic in the Lead, Region Largely on the Right Track, in: EEC, March 1996

(with Erich Brenner:) The Reforming States’ Payment Risk, in: Top-Gewinn, East European Almanach, Vienna, March 1996

Declining Country Risk; The Creditworthiness of Eastern, South-Eastern and Central European Reforming Countries, in: EEC, October 1995

Kazakhstan - Number One in Central Asia: Rich in Natural Resources and Close to Moscow, in: EEC, July 1995

Country overviews Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, in: Vienna International Airport, Catchment Area, Eastern Europe, part 2, Vienna 1995

Belarus - Still longing for the good old Soviet days, in: EEC, December 1994

Albania - Rapid Growth Based on Transfer Payments from Abroad, in: EEC, August 1994

Russia - The Ailing Superpower, EEC, May/June 1994

Ukraine - Little Room for Hope, EEC, April 1994

Poland: Economic Situation & Exchange Rate, in: Finanzmarktprognose (Financial Markets Forecasts/Fmp), Vienna, February 1994

Romania: Trade Unions and the IMF the Standard Bearers of Future Reform, in: EEC, Vienna, February 1994

Russia After the Elections: More Hope for the Impoverished? in: EEC, January 1994

Lithuania: How Hard a Winter Will It Be? in: EEC, November/December 1993

Poland: Surge of Popularity for Pawlak - can he pull a rabbit out of a hat? ibid.

Latvia - More Foreign Investment Soon? in: EEC, October 1993

Elections in Poland: Slower Reforms? in: EEC, ibid.

Poland: Economic Situation & Exchange Rate, in: Fmp, October 1993

The Baltic States: Is 'Better Than the CIS' Good Enough? in: EEC, September 1993

Estonia, Model Pupil of the West, ibid.

Poland: Economic Situation & Exchange Rate, in: Fmp, August 1993

Poland, in: EEC, June 1993

Poland - Has the Tide Turned? in: EEC, March 1993

Japan, in: Konjunkturreport (Economic Report), Vienna 1992, quarterly[ii]

The Ex-Soviet States, in: GZ-Länderanalyse (Girozentrale-country analysis LA), Vienna, February 1992

Turkey, in: LA, December 1991

Japan, in: LA, August 1991

Poland, in: LA, February 1991

Japan, in: Fmp, monthly in 1991 and 1992

USSR, in: LA, December 1990

Yugoslavia, in: LA, December 1990


[i] All articles of the East European Chronicle were simultaneously published in German in the "Osteuropa Perspektiven".

[ii] Short versions of these Konjunkturreports, called "Economic Letter", were simultaneously published in English