14 September 2021
Sudan: Is 2021 seeing a repeat of 2020? Flooding after torrential rains has killed 84 and destroyed or damaged more than 30,000 houses. Over 100,000 in 14 of the country’s 18 provinces are thought to have been affected by the heavy rains.
BBC Africa Live 14 September 2021. 14:20
13 September 2021
ECOWAS/Guinea: Ecowas lacks effectiveness in enforcing good governance amongst its members. “(M)ilitary coups in the region and growing moves by political incumbents to elongate their stay in office through dubious constitutional amendments are proving a tough challenge.” Ecowas has reacted with suspensions to coups – but has never suspended a country whose president has unconstitutionally sought one more term of office – Condé in Guinea and Ouattara in Côte d’Ivoire being the latest examples for this.
South Africa/Bride abductions: Ukuthwala = the kidnapping, assault and rape of girls as young as 13 and 14 by older men, forcing them into customary marriages. “In sum, (the author’s) findings affirm that custom cannot be understood as formulaic or benign.” Ukuthwala points to “the very close relationship between marriage processes and rape” and to “how the institution of marriage continues to diminish women’s sexual autonomy”.